
Nonlinear problems of the theory of hydrodynamic stability and turbulence ( «NeZaTeGiUs 2020»)

The central focus of the conference will be devoted to discussing the new results of theoretical and experimental studies of hydrodynamic stability and turbulence with traditional applications in aerodynamics and gas dynamics, geophysical and space hydrodynamics, physics of the atmosphere and ocean, the aerodynamics of the environment and ecology, micro- and nanogidrodinamike. The conference is planned to hold seminars and discussions with the participation of well-known domestic and foreign scientists, the organization posters.

Traditionally, the conference will be summed up the results and awarding the winners of  the contest named after GI Petrova .

International Conference «Nonlinear problems of hydro-dynamic stability and turbulence theory» (NeZaTeGiUs) is organized and conducted by the staff of the laboratory General Aerodynamics Research Institute of Mechanics, Moscow State University for over forty years. 

NeZaTeGiUs first was held in 1976. in the village. Kolyubakin the Moscow region on the initiative of academician GI Petrova. Work organizing committee headed by SY Gertsenshtein, which remained the main driving elements-ment Conference until his last days. Thanks to the authority of the GI Petrova and SY energy Herzenstein NeZaTeGiUs from the early years gained the status of the largest national forum on the instability of the mechanical systems, the onset of chaos phenomena and hydrodynamic turbulence, teamed engineers, physicists, mathematicians, and representatives of other sciences.

Over the years, the conference was attended by academicians AM Obukhov, GS Golitsyn, AS Monin, AN Kolmogorov, YB Zeldovich, GG Chernyi AG Kulikovskii, VI Arnold, JG Sinai, AI Leontiev, VP Butchers, EE Son, many other eminent scientists of the Soviet Union, Russia, and in recent years, and representatives of other countries. Chairman of the organizing committee to 1987. was Academician GI Petrov, then Academician GG Chernyi.

Since 2014. co-chairs of the organizing committee are corr. RAS II Lipatov and Prof. NV Nikitin.